One of the first publication of the museums from the Eastern part of Romania was the review called Memoria Antiquitatis, belonging to the Neamț County Museums Complex, recently welcomed within the family of National importance museums, as Neamț National Museums Complex.
The review was first issued in 1969, emphasizing from its very beginnings a well-organized structure, the scientific contributions following as such: Studies and materials, Notes and discussions, Museology, The Chronical, as it was later enriched with chapters referring to History, Restauration and preservation, Interdisciplinary Researches, Toponymy, In Honorem, Obituaries, Scientific activity, Articles and books Reviews.
The consistency of the written materials, as well as the scientific value of their majority were a constant feature of the review, evolving into a reference standpoint within the layout of the archaeological literature from our country and beyond. Further on, the very wide chronological timeline covered by the topics of its studies and articles generated a strong interest from the scientific community, ever since the receiving of its first edition.
The necessity to make public and share the results of the Romanian archaeological activity to other geographical areas, even during a period of extremely limited connections with the West, imposed that some of the articles and studies be written in English, German or French.
During the first three decades since its creation, the editing works were carried out by V. Mihăilescu-Bîrliba, D. Monah and Șt. Cucoș, as from 1990 onwards the review gained a thorough rebirth due to the hard works and passionate touch of Gh. Dumitroaia's leadership.
The scientific contributions from the first issues of the Memoria Antiquitatis Review were closely related to the vast heritage and renowned archaeological collections of the Piatra Neamț Museum, to which it became the annual effigy. Apart from this main feature, the archaeological studies and articles were followed by numismatic, museology, restauration and interdisciplinary scientific contributions. The topics of its annual content generally refer to the geographical region of Eastern Romania, as well as to other surrounding geographical areas.
Within the 50 years since its first publication, there were issued 35 numbers of the Review, counting more than 10 500 pages.
Memoria Antiquitatis has an editorial college of well-known experts, from the country and abroad, as for the latter issue, no. XXV, the articles received the peer-review.
The great majority of the reviews collaborators comes from museums, universities and research centers from Romania, as well as from abroad, namely from France, Germany and the Republic of Moldavia.
Memoria Antiquitatis has a good presence within the libraries of many museums, universities and research centers from Romania, as well as from abroad.
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